
Lost Forest Notes / Notas del Bosque Perdido

Currently on hiatus while Mā is in retreat through Feb. Please see post below.
Periodic unfoldings from Mā Umā-Pārvatī of the philosophy and deeper meanings of Śrī Vidyā and its sādhanā.

Actualmente en pausa mientras Mā está en retiro hasta febrero. Consulte la publicación a continuación.
Desarrollos periódicos de la filosofía y significados más profundos de Śrī Vidyā y su sādhanā.

The Shape of Stories Jul 02, 2024

(Hanuman before Rama and Lakshmana: Folio from the dispersed “Mankot" Ramayana series. ca. 1710–25. https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/37986)

Myths, often dismissed as mere tales from the past or entertaining distractions, reveal profound wisdom when seen...

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La forma de los Cuentos Jul 02, 2024

(Hanuman ante Rama y Lakshmana: Folio de la serie dispersa "Mankot" Ramayana. ca. 1710-25. https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/37986)

Los mitos, a menudo descartados como meros cuentos del pasado o distracciones entretenidas, revelan una profunda sabiduría cuando se ven a...

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The Role of Ritual in Śrī Vidyā May 20, 2024

How do we know what we know?

If we really consider it, this is a very provocative question. What inner proprioception translates the information and stimuli of the world to us so that they are meaningful? There is so much incoming data, yet the mind chooses a fraction and assimilates it into a...

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Sarasvatī and Her Sacred Day, Vasantapañcamī Jan 25, 2024

{Read the full post below and then, please enjoy this short practice above wading into the flow of pulsation and perhaps touch the Inspiring Essence of Sarasvatī. This practice is an appropriate practice for Vasantapañcamī.}

अमबितमे नदीतमे देवितमे सरसवति । अपरशसता इव समसि परशसतिममब नसकृधि...

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Vasantapañcamī y Sarasvatī Jan 25, 2024

{Por favor, lea la publicación completa a continuación y luego disfrute de esta breve práctica anterior sumergiéndose en el flujo de pulsaciones y tal vez tocando la Esencia inspiradora de Sarasvatī. Esta práctica es una práctica apropiada para...

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