Lost Forest Notes / Notas del Bosque Perdido
Currently on hiatus while Mā is in retreat through Feb. Please see post below.
Periodic unfoldings from Mā Umā-Pārvatī of the philosophy and deeper meanings of Śrī Vidyā and its sādhanā.
Actualmente en pausa mientras Mā está en retiro hasta febrero. Consulte la publicación a continuación.
Desarrollos periódicos de la filosofía y significados más profundos de Śrī Vidyā y su sādhanā.

Join the Lost and Found Book Club
While Mā Umā-Pārvatī is taking time for a deep retreat through February, we wanted to let you know that her blog, Lost Forest Notes, will be on pause for the time being. Though new posts won’t be coming, the wisdom already shared is still very much...
(Hanuman before Rama and Lakshmana: Folio from the dispersed “Mankot" Ramayana series. ca. 1710–25. https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/37986)
Myths, often dismissed as mere tales from the past or entertaining distractions, reveal profound wisdom when seen...
(Hanuman ante Rama y Lakshmana: Folio de la serie dispersa "Mankot" Ramayana. ca. 1710-25. https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/37986)
Los mitos, a menudo descartados como meros cuentos del pasado o distracciones entretenidas, revelan una profunda sabiduría cuando se ven a...
How do we know what we know?
If we really consider it, this is a very provocative question. What inner proprioception translates the information and stimuli of the world to us so that they are meaningful? There is so much incoming data, yet the mind chooses a fraction and assimilates it into a...
¿Cómo sabemos lo que sabemos?
Si realmente lo consideramos, ésta es una pregunta muy provocativa. ¿Qué propiocepción interna nos traduce la información y los estímulos del mundo para que sean significativos? Hay tantos datos entrantes, pero...
Many of you have expressed curiosity about the next phase of your spiritual journey after engaging with Mā Umā-Pārvatī's free and open teachings. Exploring the Tri Devī is not only a natural progression but also a profoundly enriching experience—one that is always worth revisiting...
Muchos de ustedes han expresado curiosidad acerca de la siguiente fase de su viaje espiritual después de participar en las enseñanzas libres y abiertas de Mā Umā-Pārvatī. Explorar el Tri Devī no solo es una progresión natural, sino también una experiencia...
The One who bestows the three
holding them tenderly
in Her never-ending smile.
Your three fingers
granting us all wisdom
gestures to the Sky.
Your soaring home towering
beyond suffering
where we aspire to roam freely.
You conquered our fears with Your might.
You vanquished the demons
Aquella que otorga los tres
sosteniéndolos tiernamente
en Su sonrisa sin fin.
Tus tres dedos
concediéndonos toda la sabiduría
gestos hacia el Cielo.
Tu altísimo hogar se eleva
más allá del sufrimiento
donde aspiramos recorrer libremente.
Inundated since antiquity with Her silent grace,
the riverside gives refuge letting this child of wisdom grow.
Will she dream of empires and riches,
skyscrapers of desires reaching to the heavens such genius defeat of limitations?
Or will she let her sighs slip into a mantle of joy silent and...
Inundada desde la antigüedad
con su gracia silenciosa
la orilla del río da refugio
dejando crecer a esta niña de sabiduría.
¿Soñará con imperios y riquezas,
rascacielos de deseos que alcanzan los cielos
¿tal derrota genial de las limitaciones?...
{Read the full post below and then, please enjoy this short practice above wading into the flow of pulsation and perhaps touch the Inspiring Essence of Sarasvatī. This practice is an appropriate practice for Vasantapañcamī.}
अमबितमे नदीतमे देवितमे सरसवति । अपरशसता इव समसि परशसतिममब नसकृधि...